


5 spring whole onions, roots cut off

3 garlic cloves, peeled

1 tablespoon of grated ginger

1 chilli

1 tablespoon of pimento seeds

½ tablespoon of cinnamon

½ tablespoon of pepper corns (black)

½ tablespoon of coriander seeds

½ teaspoon of ground nutmeg

2 bay leafs

Leafs of 3 sprigs of thyme

100ml olive oil

Juice of ½ lemon


1.5kg chicken pieces


1- To make each paste place all ingredients except chicken into a food processor (or mortar) and process into a paste.

See also  School Lunch Peanut Butter Bars

2 – Brush paste over chicken.

3 – Marinate the chicken overnight for a better result, otherwise cook straight away.

4 – Place the chicken onto the preheated BBQ (medium heat). Close with the hood and cook for 30-40 minutes. Turning twice

5 – The chicken is cooked when it reaches 75 degrees (check the thickest part of breast or the thighs), or check it by poking a knife tip into the thickest part:

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